
1 Emu.png

Source: S. T. Gill, Emu Sneaking, 1864. Reproduced with permission of the Gold Museum, Ballarat.


1. Aboriginal people
2. Emus

3. Trees
4. Spears
5. Grass

7. Rocks

8.Fur clothing


I think the aboriginal people are trying to hunt the emus down for dinner.



How many animals would they need to hunt for the tribes dinner.

My Avatar

I chose this avatar because I have Hazel eyes and now, after the great shave I now have 

short hair. I have squinty eyes and a decent size mouth that’s always talking. I love exercise so I wear a tank tops because I get hot. i’m always on my trampoline and jumping around so I don’t like to wear long sleeves.

Library reflection- term 1

I like action books because they keep me hooked in. This is because they have lots of things happening at the same time.  

A book that I read for book chat fits in that description very well. It’s called Dog Runner and it’s about a brother and a sister that live in a time were there is no grass and plants and they try to find their Mum. On the way they find dangerous people and get in sticky situations.

I recommend this book if you like a fast paced book. It is action packed and a bit sad so I’d probably recommend it for confident readers.

For book chat at the moment I’m reading the Fall, the fall is about a boy who sees a man who gets pushed off a building and his dad seems very worried. The boy thinks it’s something to do with his dad, so he investigates. I think I will enjoy this book so I’m doing a lot of reading.

What’s your favourite genre?

War maths card game

War maths card game

You need:
2 people
1 card pack (normal)

Take out face cards and jokers.
Split the deck

How to play:take the top card off the split piles (don’t look)
Once put down look at both the cards quickly.
Multiply both the cards.

First one to say the multiplication sum first wins.

The Front desk


Hey everybody,

Were reading the Front Desk  by Kelly Yang.

It’s about a girl named Mia a Chinese freer that came to America. They don’t have enough money to share a cheeseburger. She moves in to a motel and works as an manager. And she just her first day of school today and her teacher name is Mrs Douglas; and her principals name is… principal Evens (yay) and now because the mean land lord of the motel, his son is getting bullied at the same school. the land lord is mean cause he lied to them. And so far it’s a great book.


Judging C.B.C.A books

Hello my friends,

This term we judged C.B.C.A books focussing on information books. We made a list of criteria together for what makes a good information book. I think it is important that an information book includes a, sizzling start, problem, solving the problem and a ending that’s happy sad or ironic ending. 

This is a picture of my favourite book make believe 

This was my favourite book because I just read a really big book so it was an nice change and the illusions were amazing.  And to be honest with you I liked these illusions more than the modern ones, these more complex and they take longer  to figure out witch I like because the modern ones take two seconds to figure out.

Did you judge any CBCA books? If so, what did you think, or what would you say makes a good information book?